You may have already heard of kefir. It's a fermented drink that's packed with friendly bacteria and yeast. It has been used across the world for centuries to promote a healthy gut.
Water kefir however is slightly different. It undergoes a second fermentation with flowers, roots, planets and fruits.
Is water kefir better than kombucha?
Water kefir is a milder drink than kombucha. Kombucha contains a wealth of probiotics that can aid digestion, as well as enzymes and acids that help break down your meals. Whereas water kefir is more of a general probiotic drink that doesn't contain acids and enzymes like kombucha. Instead, it contains a lot more bacterial strains.
Both kombucha and water kefir are great for hydration and they both are beneficial in aiding the natural systems in your body.
Are water kefir and milk kefir the same?
In short, no. Water kefir is made with sugar or coconut water and fruit juices. It also needs a starter culture. Whereas milk kefir is made with coconut, cow or goat milk. It can also be made with other non-dairy milks.
They're both packed with beneficial probiotics and yeasts but when it comes to looking at the number of those bacteria and yeast, then milk kefir does come out on top.
If you prefer a yoghurty drink with a bit of a zing, then milk kefir is for you. But if you prefer something refreshing and lighter, then water kefir is your go-to.
Is water kefir alcoholic?
Water kefir contains a very small amount of alcohol. This is a by-product of the fermentation process in fermented drinks. But the level of alcohol is so small that water kefir isn't categorised as an alcoholic drink.
Is water kefir keto-friendly?
The aim with many keto diets is to limit your carb intake to 20-50g a day and an average serving per person of water kefir is about 10-13g. That means you should be able to incorporate water kefir into your keto diet.